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Blog Post 5: Final Blog Post

Over the course of this class, we have played a plethora of games that have taken place in historical events. Some games were far more...

Blog Post 4: Tropico 6

The game that we have been playing and learning from as a class the past couple of weeks is a game called Tropico 6. Tropico 6 is...

Blog Post 3: Empire Total War

The game that we have been playing and learning from as a class for the past few weeks is called Empire: Total War. In terms of how the...

Blog Post 2: Assassins' Creed

The game that we have been playing and learning from as a class for the past few weeks was any of the games from the Assassins Creed...

Blog Post 1 Sid Meire's Civilization VI

The game that we have been playing and learning from as a class for the past few weeks is called Civilization VI. The game is a...

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